steel scrap value per ton

In the steel market, no one can deny the importance and value of metal and scrap.

The quantity and price of this product are calculated per ton. Raw materials for reuse are called recycling.

Common recyclable materials include scrap metals, iron, plastic, glass, paper, cardboard, some waste chemicals that can be recycled and converted into compost.

“Waste recycling can help reduce the waste from national production resources and capital, and reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy. “It will also reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

Steel recycling: Steel is the most metal produced among metals, cheaper than other metals and has the most overall value.

Steel is commonly used in industries such as buildings, buildings, machines, equipment, facilities, and automobile manufacturing, thus covering most recycled materials.

Steel waste is considered as a suitable raw material for production of new steel. Mass-produced steel production created the need for waste processing industry for secondary sources in the 12th century, and the industry started.

Classification of scrap metal determines the quality of iron in it, and according to this classification, is ready to be melted in the furnaces.

Steel industry waste is divided into two categories: domestic and foreign.

1) Inner piece:

This system provides us with all the stages of home and aquatic production.

Molten steel is poured out in the form of ingots, bullion and bullion from the furnace.

Ingot castings are followed by the initial rolling, and the size of the high waste is converted to the shell, finish cutting and accessories.

Such scrap metal is easily collected in convenient units and sorted by alloy type.

This type of waste is not removed from the production unit because most of the rolling units have the capacity to produce raw steel.

As a result, local scrap steel is still in the steel industry cycle, and is not included in steel recycling statistics.

Recent industrial developments have led to a significant decrease in the production of household waste.

2) External Waste:

External waste recycling is divided into two categories:

New industrial waste from finished steel manufacturers, including waste processing from page to body, wire to tool, and wire to nail. The quality of this trash is known.

Most of the scrap, such as domestic waste, is processed products.

These wastes include cutting and connecting to sheet and wire, as well as defective products with a certain type of alloy that is free of pollution.

This type of waste is of particular quality because of its suitable chemical composition.

Other types of waste include industrial chips, machineguns and other materials made of rolled, drilled and cut metals.

These materials differ in the composition of the alloy, and most of them are contaminated with oil, paint and other metals.

Old or worn scrap is also common steel, which has reached the end of its useful life.

The main source of waste disposal is old waste disposal cars, remote cars, refrigerators, freezers, and other household waste, construction components, bridges etc.

scrap metal resources

The scrap metal is divided into three groups

Family Resources
Public Resources
Industrial resources are divided, all of these resources and their items will be listed below.
In order to obtain the necessary resources for scrap metal, it is necessary to collect metal waste from household appliances and food packaging, waste in public places, waste from production and metal products and waste recycling from steel factories and car production lines.

factories, stamping factories, household appliances, shipbuilding, machinery, spare parts, transmission towers, railways, oil and petrochemicals, cement factories, dams, bridge construction, various facilities, agricultural machinery industry, ironworks and casting, excess iron floods and earthquake failure, the demolition and destruction of old houses, the removal of parts from ships and train cars, and the rehabilitation of railways and various production lines.


scrap metal chemical composition

The chemical properties of steel waste depends directly on the type of production and quality of the steel and includes a number of useful and harmful elements.

Scrap metal can contain metals such as copper, tin, zinc, and non-metal metals such as phosphorus and sulfur.

The presence of these elements reduces the quality of steel.

Thus, the type of scrap metal, especially scrap metal containing the above mentioned elements, must be investigated and classified, so that the consumption of different kinds of scrap iron to charge vary according to the produced steel grades.

In this paper, the chemical composition of steel scraps is important for the production of different types of structural steels, alloys and special steels.

How to use scrap metal

Scrap metal is often reused and recycled around the world.

Now, in developed countries, in addition to pure and precise separation, it is also packed and sold in powder along with additives required by the parts manufacturing industry.

In Iran, it is used for smelting and smelting furnaces. The casting industry uses 1450°C induction furnaces to produce cast iron products, while the steel industry uses electric arc furnaces with temperatures of 1950 to 2000°C.

In traditional casting, rotary kilns are used more than one ton. Initially, a compressed piece of thin sheets is loaded in the furnace.

Because the piece is melting faster, it is used to charge the furnace and fill a third of the furnace. After melting, the scrap metal becomes thicker and thicker.

Large or similar scrap dealers throw heavy objects into the furnace, which in a short time is melted by the furnace.

In the melting furnace, melting is usually done within an hour and a half to two hours, and after melting or slamming, additives are added to the molten to standardize the required melting.

Then the melted sample is sent to the laboratory for analysis. After chemical and mechanical tests, the laboratory reports results to the melting unit to ensure the melting analysis meets the standards.

In this case, scrap metal becomes a standard product, which in all respects resembles a new product made up of steel bars or spongy iron.

steel value per ton

The value of steel products is due to their specific functionality and application in all industries of Iran. Sometimes it is used for each ton, and other times it is even used for heating.

Iron is used more than any other metal and accounts for 95% of the metals produced worldwide.

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