Certificate of Mill Test or in short MTC is a test for all steel products, especially sheet. The price of the products is directly related to MTC. The steel used in the industry often has different names, the most famous of which are st37sheet and st52 plate.
The difference between these steel types has always been noted by industry workers, especially the difference between the 37 pages and the st۵۳ in the steel industry leads to better use of these products. We introduce the overall classification of steel and investigate the differences and costs in the st۳۷ and st۵۲ sheets. Manufacturers use special symbols, letters, and numbers to introduce different types of steel. For example, Germany standardized all steel according to DIN 17006. Component symbols: This part describes components, strengths and steel quality in the form of letters and numbers. Common structural steels are identified by St letters. After these letters, write down a number multiplied by this number about 9.81, the minimum tensile strength of the steel in Newton for each square millimeter. Add a hyphen after the power numbers, then enter the steel grade with numbers 1 to 3. Level 1: For normal work without typing. Level 2: Important work Grade 3: Slow casting steel with high purity and good weldability.
For example, the st۳۷-۲ steel: st is a structural steel symbol, 37 represents the tensile strength of 370 N/mm۲ and 2 also represents the steel grade.
What is St۳۷ steel? ST۳۷ steel is also known as low carbon steel in industry. This is a mild steel handle. Addition to structural and administrative profiles is the main application.
What is ST۵۲ steel? ST۵۲ plate is known as high-strength low-alloy steel in industry, which is made by adding a small amount of copper, nickel, manganese and other alloys to carbon steel. The strength of steel increases with the increase of alloys. Due to the easy welding process, these steels are used in industry.
ST۳۷ BOARDst۳۷ boards specifications check widely used in construction. It has medium strength because of its low carbon content and is widely used in the construction industry.
Moreover, a low carbon content of these plates improves the weldability. Among the applications of st۳۷ board are profile buildings including different profiles and paper.
Check St۵۲ Board Features
ST۵۲ black sheet is one of the most widely used sheets in the construction industry. The characteristics of these plates include high resistance to torsion, bending, and high loading. Among other properties, they have good soldering ability and machining capability. The presence of elements such as silicon and manganese make this product unique.
This product is used to produce tapes and squares with the same cross-section. In Nair Industries, stone, iron is used for heavy machinery and crane. st۳۷ board size in Iran is 6*1.5 and 6*2, but the size produced by European factory is greater.
Difference between st۳۷ board and st۵۲
The main steel used in the building industry is st۳۷ steel. The use of this steel is due to its weldability and its good mechanical properties. However, in some cases, st۵۲ steel is also used in the construction industry to replace such products. At the same time, the price of the st۳۷ board is not much different from the price of the st۵۲ board.
However, using st۵۲ instead of st۳۷ generally reduces the weight of the steel used in the building. Generally, the shape of st۵۲ sheets is less than that of st۳۷ sheets.
This is due to the high carbon footprint in steel. The specific gravity of the steels is the same, but the strength of the st۵۲ plate is more resistant due to the existence of the alloying elements.
Construction method section: The letters used in this section represent the production process, embossed features and casting methods. Process execution section:
The letters used in this section show heat treatment, forming method and sheet surface quality. The logo associated with this section was written at the end of famous steel letters and numbers. In some cases, after a letter is attached to the factor part, there are some numbers indicating its tensile strength in ten grams per square millimeter.
Softening Cast Steel Letters are Identification Letters for GS Cast Steel. After this symbol, there is a line of distance, then a number multiplied by 9.81 to obtain the minimum tensile strength of cast steel in Newton per square millimeter.
For the introduction of cast iron alloy steel, after the GS specification letters and a hiphen, a number is written to represent a weight percentage of carbon with a factor of 1.00.
Then chemical symbols for other important elements, respectively, are written in the alloy as weight percentage, and are written from top to bottom based on the available coefficients. At the end of the specification for casting and structural steel that is expected to be more reliable, points and numbers are used instead of letters to show the properties guaranteed by the steel manufacturer.
In this system, material numbering conforms to the German religion of 17007, material specification is introduced using numbers. The number of materials contains 7 digits and the structure is as follows.
X XXXX XXThe is the first in the main group material, the next four digits of the type indicator, and the next two digits are the complementary digits.
The main group of important materials are identified by the individual digits and have the following:
0 = pig iron, iron alloys and cast iron
1 = steel, casting steel
2 = Non-ferrous heavy metals
3 = light metal
4-8 = non-metallic materials
9 = Free for other or domestic use
Index Type: The second and third numbers on the left represent the type of material.
Connected numbers: The sixth digit represents the number of materials of the steel production process, and the seventh digit indicates the state of heat treatment.
steel sheet price
Slat is the most widespread of all types of steel sheets. According to the name of the board, everyone should know that the name is only a name on the domestic steel market. No black is mentioned in this board; and because the board is not polished, it is called black.
The production of sheet iron is done by hot rolling, where the bar is heated before melting into the temperature, then rolled into the rolling process, then spread slowly to a rectangular cube with extended length, due to the high temperature of the bar during the process, the process is cooled by water, and after each rolling phase is completed, the output product enters the furnace at the proper temperature.
At each step, the distance between rollers is reduced until the distance between rollers reaches the thickness of the plate at the last step.