Mild steel gas welding filler rod

Every welder must know the proper electrode or filler rod in the gas type of the mild steel welding process.

Coated electrodes for manual mild steel welding (MMAW)

This method is currently mostly used in various branches of engineering and in the construction of metal structures. With this method, the welder can well connect carbon steel alloys, low alloy steel, mild steel, all kinds of cast iron, aluminum alloys, copper, nickel, cobalt, etc.

The arc is the discharge of electric charge between two poles and the ionization of the gas in the arc area.

In this method, the energy required for connection is obtained by producing between two poles.

It should be noted that there should be a distance of about 3 mm between the electrode and the workpiece to form an arc.

In this system, the power source (welder) amplifies the current that is normally supplied from the city power grid and adjusts the current depending on the diameter of the electrodes and the position of the connection. The wire and sheath are shaped and selected according to the material and specifications of the parts to be connected.

The diameter of the electrode is determined according to the type of connection, the type of seam, the thickness of the workpiece, the welding conditions and the qualification of the welder.

As a general rule, electrodes larger than the thickness of the workpiece should never be used.

Thick electrodes are not suitable for vertical and horizontal welding because it is difficult to control a large weld pool in these positions.

When welding twill and tulip seams, use thinner electrodes for the first pass and thicker electrodes for subsequent passes.

Touchweld brand welding electrodes made of soft and low alloy steel are known as Carbotouch.

In this range, the cellulose coated electrodes are characterized by the special name Cellotouch. Carbotouch and Cellotouch electrodes are used in general engineering, steel and pipeline construction.

Low alloy steels are a group of steels to which a small amount of alloying elements such as B are added for a specific purpose. To increase strength and resistance to corrosion or heat treatment reaction change.

The interesting thing about most of the welding electrodes of this steel line is that the production of the electrodes is based on optimizing the properties of the steel and not just optimizing the chemical composition.

Of course, as mentioned earlier, there are exceptions, including high chromium molybdenum steels, where the same electrode chemistry as the base steel is required to match the welding properties of the metal.

One of the important characteristics of low-alloy steels is their very good weldability, but the important point is that these steels are more sensitive to hydrogen defects than simple carbon steels, and therefore, it is necessary to keep the relevant electrodes in suitable conditions and away from moisture. .

The powders that cover the surface of this range of electrodes are diverse, depending on the application of the electrode, the type of electrode coating is determined: Alkaline coatings: they can be used in AC and DC and in all kinds of situations.

The gas coming out of these electrodes is toxic and proper precautions should be taken while working. Because of their ability to control the cleanliness of the weld pool, they are commonly used where the part is prone to fouling and cracking.

The main disadvantage of these electrodes is the formation of large molten particles during welding, which increases the possibility of the electrodes sticking to the workpiece and the appearance of a large amount of spatter on the weld. Another disadvantage of alkaline electrodes is the difficulty in separating slag from welding dust.

These electrodes are also very sensitive to moisture and must be preheated (1-2 hours at 300-400°C) before use.

Rutile coatings: Used primarily for welding stainless steels and, like alkaline electrodes, can be used with either AC or DC current. The main feature of these electrodes is the shrinking of molten droplets, which significantly increases the stability of the arc.

The welding quality is lower than before and they can usually be used in flat mode.

Acid coatings: they have a heavy slag, but the slag is easily removed from the surface. Usually, these electrodes are used with direct current and with this polarity.

Melt drops are few in these electrodes, but the resulting welds are not of good quality and are not used in sensitive parts.

Cellulose cover: Contains a significant amount of cellulosic material that releases a large amount of gas during welding to protect the weld pool. These electrodes can weld at high speed and provide sufficient penetration.

And it is mainly used for welding tanks with combustible materials and pipelines.


Welding electrodes with different coatings are in great demand in various industries such as shipping, pipelines, construction tanks, mild steel structures, etc.

Mild steel gas welding

The MIG type of welding is very popular with many welders who want to weld mild steel using the gas welding method because it provides a cleaner surface than other mild steel welding methods. MIG welding allows artists, handymen, farmers, motor sports enthusiasts and hobbyists to do most types of construction and repair welding themselves.

This process is based on the use of shielding gas to protect the arc and weld pool. Typically, welders use CO2, argon, or a mixture of the two to weld mild steel because they provide the best protection for projects.

In MIG welding of mild steel, two gas combinations are preferred. A mixture of 100% CO2 and 25-75 carbon argon.

25% carbon with 75% argon is the most common shielding gas for home and hobby MIG welders. This mixture is not cheap, but welders like it because it strikes a good balance between cost and quality of the finished weld.

This shielding gas mixture is widely available at local welding shops. You can buy it in different cylinder sizes and it is easy to carry in the trunk of your car. This gas mixture is ideal if you plan to do occasional welding work around your home or farm.

But before we get into that, there are a few other things you should be aware of, as well as other common gases.

Gas for MIG welding of mild steel

Depending on the application and requirements, there are several shielding gas options for MIG welding:

The best carbon steel shielding gas for general use is a mixture of 75% argon and 25% carbon dioxide (also called 25/75 or C25). Minimal spatter gives the best bead pattern and does not burn thin metals.

100% CO2 provides deeper penetration, but also has more spray and is thicker than a 75/25 roller.

Mild steel is a type of low carbon steel with a carbon content of 0.05% to 0.25% by weight. Mild steel is not an alloy steel, so it does not contain many elements other than iron.

This steel is generally more ductile, machinable and workable than high carbon steel and stainless steel.

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