hot briquetted iron plant grade

The raw materials used in the production of steel are hot-rolled steel factories. The steels are entering different degrees at the market. The term “Hot Britted Iron” (HBI) refers to the distinct type of reduced iron (DRI) that is combined at temperatures above 650 °C during density over 5000 kg/cubic meter (5000 kg/cubic meter).

Due to the compression process, HBI is much less porous and therefore much less than DRI. In addition, HBI does not suffer from the risk of self-heating associated with DRI. HBI was developed as a product to overcome shipping and DRI management problems.

The steelation in arc furnace (EOF) is the main market for HBI, however, HBI is also used as modified cooling in base oxygen steel (BOF) and as feed for blast furnaces. Program: Steel production using electric arc furnace, or EAF Steel production using base oxygen furnace (BOF) (HBI is an excellent cutting cooling)

Raw material for explosive furnaces (BF) Advantages of HBI in AAF The content of the very few remaining elements allows the production of high-grade steel products or the use of a higher percentage of scrap metal at a lower cost as part of the load mixing. The stability of melting with chemistry that is well known and reliable, as confirmed by parsing, helps.

The material’s ability to retain its shape and form will always allow storage and handling effectively. Higher density can reduce the number of bucket loads, make more use of the raw material possible with cheaper price and lower density, and reduce the amount of space needed for storage. They can be constantly fed in the furnace Absorbs nitrogen, leading to low level of nitrogen in steel HBI value in BOF as an asset.

Due to the following factors, HBI offers the best possible BOF: Trace element concentrations are low The mass density is approximately 2.8 t/m3 which is higher than the waste.

the same amount of metal which, when warm Improved mass and thermal equilibrium that is more predictable Following are some of the environmental benefits, efficiency and cost that are achieved in HBI as blast furnace material: carbon dioxide emissions reduction Improved productivity of explosive furnace (an increase of approximately 8% per 10% in metallization load). Loss of coal (about 7% reduction per 10% increase in load metallization).

hot briquetted iron plant

In the early stages of steel production, hot iron is used in steel factory. Use HBI in AAF (Electric arc furnace) Steel production by electric arc furnaces is increasing all over the world.

In addition, the availability of pig iron and iron sponge (DRI) and perkette iron (HBI) in electric arc furnace (EAF) has grown over the past five years. hot iron, often known as HBI, is not a replacement for scrap iron; rather, it is a source of clean iron units that can be added to scrap metal to increase its overall load.

HBI has a high concentration of iron (Fe) and a small quantity of metal waste, making it ideal for the production of superior quality iron and steel products in a wide range of kilns. The net value of hot iron can vary from one melting shop to another depending on the availability of scrap metal in the area, the equipment used, metallurgical training, and the composition of the product from steel.

HBI application is strongly suggested in the following scenarios:

When the ratio of the use of hot metal and scrap iron at the last stage of the inflating process (the use of hot iron as a coolant causes the temperature required for a cooling process) when the iron ore is used as a cooling material due to the lack of scrap iron (which reduces productivity) the iron stone is used as the cooling material when the ratio used of hot metal and scrap iron at the last stage of the blowing process (using hot iron as a hot iron when there is no waste. When the charge-based sulfur content is below the specified threshold. When the remaining value to be deleted must be relatively low.

The value of using HBI in BOF and its benefits Because of the following HBI is able to supply oxygen base fuel with optimal load: Trace element concentrations are low Bulk density 2.8 t/m3, which is above the metal efficiency of scrap metal and similar to hot metal additional thermal balance and mass that is more predictable HBI is a great choice for cutting cooling due to its features: Unrestricted exit of higher basket Specifications in chemical and physical structure The combination of finished steel is preserved.

It is simply charged from the upper baskets. rapid slide penetration When used in place of the valves, it is caused to decrease the overhead volume.

More production and productivity compared to standard cooling Use HBI in blast furnace (BF) HBI is used as a payload material in blast furnaces with numerous environmental, efficiency and cost benefits, including: Reduce CO۲ production and increase BF productivity (about 8% increase per ten percent in load filtration) A decrease in coal production (about 7% reduction for every 10% increase in load metallization).

Why is HBI transferred to the blast furnace (BF)? There are several scenarios where entering HBI at the BF load will lead to a beneficial economic effect, including: There is a cap on the amount of coal that can be produced, and it is not possible to buy coal as an investment.

hot plant Therefore, the factory needs to reduce the amount of coal it consumes. Coca-Cola purchased is used, but the price is high enough that it is possible to reduce the amount of coal consumed to match the cost increase and simultaneously increase the ratio of HBI at the BF load.

Since one of the BFs among a number of BFs needs to replace its cover, it is necessary to minimize the amount of hot metal produced by the BF that is still working to minimize losses in downstream production.

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